Patriotism Education

The mission of patriotism education is to cultivate students' patriotic feelings, cultivate students' good moral character, strengthen their sense of identity, belonging and responsibility for the country, nation and society, and train them to become new people who love the country and Hong Kong, have an international perspective and a sense of social responsibility generation.

Patriotism education includes many aspects such as national history, culture, traditions and values, symbols and symbols, and focuses on cultivating students' national awareness and sense of civic responsibility. Understanding is the first step, and the ultimate goal is to identify emotionally, then sincerely identify with the country, feel proud of the country, and then consciously love and safeguard the country.

The school organically combines community resources, organically combines diversified activities with relevant content of the "Patriotism Education Law of the People's Republic of China", and naturally connects patriotism education, national security education and Chinese cultural education to enhance students' patriotic awareness and sentiments.