


In order to increase students' understanding of English drama, cultivate their interest in dialogue drama and improve their English communication skills, our school collaborated with sister schools and external professional English institutions to organize the "Joint School English Drama Day Camp" on March 31. Some Primary 5 students participated in a series of drama activities to personally interpret stories from the "Sherlock Holmes" series, allowing students to incorporate learning into the drama and experience the fun brought by English drama.

The activities are conducted in groups, so a series of ice-breaking games are held first to allow students to use their bodies and get moving. Afterwards, each group came up with a creative ending for the "Sherlock Holmes" series of stories and performed it themselves. The students actively sought advice from foreign English teachers and concentrated on practicing and reciting the lines. The endings planned by the students are all varied, and there will be a twist before the end. For example, Sherlock Holmes seems to have successfully captured the red-haired thief, but is this the ending?

Students actively ask native English teachers for advice for better performance. 學生積極向外籍英語老師尋求建議,務求讓演出可以盡善盡美。

Ice-breaking game: Loosening up and leading the group to get dancing! 破冰遊戲: 帶領我們運用身體,動起來!

Students collaborating with other students from S.K.H. Holy Spirit Primary School and students from S.K.H. Kei Yan Primary School to come up with a creative last scene for the act – Sherlock Holmes: The Red-Headed League. 學生與來自聖公會主風小學和聖公會基恩小學的其他學生合作,為《福爾摩斯之紅髮俱樂部》想出一個有創意的結尾。

Students actively ask native English teachers for advice for better performance. 學生積極向外籍英語老師尋求建議,務求讓演出可以盡善盡美。

Show time: Students had a makeover and turned into characters of the story – The men with red hair! 表演時間:學生們搖身一變,變身成為故事中的人物 —— 紅頭髮的人們!

Students practicing and remembering their lines. 學生專心練習並背誦台詞。

You will be amazed by the creativity and imagination of the students! The endings drawn up by each group are quite different. In this scene, Sherlock Holmes seems to have successfully caught the red-haired thief, but is this really the case? 學生們的創作力量同幻想會嚇你一跳!各組擬定的結局都五花八門,大不相同。於此幕,福爾摩斯看似成功把紅髮小偷捉拿著,但結局果真如此?